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Membership Benefits - Why Join?

As a member of this dynamic network you are affiliating yourself with professionals who know and understand what it’s like to be in your shoes. As a member, you will have access to a support system as well as the opportunity to grow and develop professionally. HRWIN is a non-profit group that is eager  to promote  the human resources knowledge and skills of its members within their organizations and the work community.

Our members each have their own reasons for joining but certainly include the following:

  • Networking opportunities  offered continuously and a commitment to develop its members in a bilingual environment
  • Conferences offered to enlighten and educate on a variety  of fundamental HR issues and best practices
  • Opportunities for members to ask questions and share information on HR Practices on a daily basis.
  • Executive Committee: an opportunity to sit on a board with peers who have a strong influential voice and commitment to ensuring the success of HRWIN

You can join the Network by completing our Membership form.